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The 8 Laws of Awakened Money That ACTIVATE The Manifesto, END Your Money Struggles And ELEVATE You To Become A Master Over The Transformational Power Of Wealth
"I'm On A Mission To GIVE You Abundant Money And Spiritual Wealth. I'm On A Mission To TRANSFORM Your Relationship With Money. I'm On A Mission To Set You FINANCIALLY FREE... To EMPOWER You With Money. It's Not Just About Your Wealth... It's About What You Can GIVE BACK With That Wealth..."
My Partner In Wealth,
I know you're focused on making more money and unlocking financial freedom for yourself, so YOU can benefit...
I understand. I was right there with you.
And, as you'll see, I'm going to help you get there today.
On this page, I want to change your perspective about WHY and HOW to make and use money.
I want to show you why focusing your wealth-building on the greater good is actually a FASTER way to make more money for YOURSELF.
Let me explain...
In my best-selling book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret In History", I revealed and PROVED how GIVING money was actually the secret to MAKING money.
Today, I'm going to take this up a notch.
Today, I want you to realize a "money truth" I've witnessed with my own eyes:
Fueling your desire to make more money with the INTENTION to do GOOD with that money... makes you more money!
In other words, it's not just about giving money to make money. It's about giving your PASSION to make money so you CAN GIVE the gift of your IMPACT to a world in need.
I'll take it one step farther...
The world NEEDS YOU TO HAVE MORE MONEY. Because, with the power of money, you can make a bigger impact healing this world.
And, as you know, the world needs some serious tangible and spiritual healing.
How does this work?
It works because it taps into a truth about YOUR RAW POWER AND POTENTIAL.
Maybe you struggle sometimes with your purpose in this world. Maybe you don't.
But... DEEP DOWN INSIDE, you KNOW that you have both the power AND desire to make an impact in this world.
To make a difference with your passion and active intention!
You KNOW you have the raw tools and passion to help elevate not only yourself, but your community... both locally and globally.
Can you deny it? You want to make A DIFFERENCE... and you KNOW YOU CAN.
WE need you to have more awakened money in your life… because it EMPOWERS you. It gives you the power to make an IMPACT. And not how you might think...
It empowers your PASSION
It empowers your SPIRITUALITY
It empowers your DREAMS
It empowers your IMPACT.
Money by itself is neutral.
But Awakened Money… combined with your own awakened relationship with money… means that you now have power you never had before.
You have the power to do good in this world.
You have the power to make a difference.
And yes, you will have the power to live any lifestyle you want.
And yes, that’s a nice bonus.
Let me put this in perspective:
I've talked to many people who have DEVOTED their lives to a cause: it might be educating children around the world. It might be protecting the environment or endangered species. It might be delivering food where it's needed most.
But every time I dig a bit deeper, each of these life-long volunteers say basically the same thing:
Without money, they can't make a difference. Without money, they can't get supplies. Without money, they can't support themselves as they pursue their mission. Without money, they can't raise awareness.
Without money... their mission would fail.
Is this true, or is this true? It's true. And you know it.
It’s time to transform your relationship with money. It's time to give you awakened money so you can awaken not just the "ideal lifestyle"... but awaken your power to MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN A WORLD THAT NEEDS IT.
It’s time for you to learn the 8 Laws of Awakened Wealth.
There are 8 simple laws of money that I’ve learned and mastered over the years.
But it’s only now, as I understand these new truths, that I get how they fit together.
And I’m going to share all 8 with you in a way I’ve never done before.
In 30 years, I’ve never given anyone what I’m giving you access to today.
That's partially because I've only recently "awoken" to understand why it's SO IMPORTANT for you to be financially empowered... beyond the benefits it gives you.
In other words...
I don't want to teach people how to become wealthy. I'm on a new mission to RAISE THE TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER of people like YOU, so that WE TOGETHER can make a bigger impact.
I'm not asking you to "get in the trenches" to help out a particular cause. If you use your awakened money to simply give and empower other people and organizations to make a bigger impact... then YOU are making a BIGGER IMPACT.
Understand this:
These are not your ordinary “laws” of money. These are the laws that Awakened Millionaires live by, prosper by… and make an impact with.
These are the laws that will decide how much money you make... and how quickly you make it.
These are the laws that will decide whether you have a prosperous relationship with money... or a poisoned one.
These are the laws that will decide if you will waste your passion and purpose struggling with money... or whether you will rise to your potential and MAKE AN IMPACT.
These are the laws that will not just give you money... but give you TRANSFORMATIONAL MONEY... AWAKENED MONEY.
It’s my mission to awaken this wealth within you, to empower you with these mind-altering rules of Awakened Wealth...
So you can live the lifestyle I live (whatever lifestyle I choose...)
And so you can live the impact YOU want to live.
Here's how to take action:
At a small invite-only event in Utah, I shared these 8 secrets for the first time. But it was all caught on video. And as you watch each minute of this short video, you will feel a new money-making potential you've never felt before...
As you'll see, this was a light-hearted event. But, oh boy, it was PACKED with power.
Each person who attended could feel the enlightened vibration shared by everyone in attendance. We all knew what was happening...
The event was magical… inspired.
There were some "laws" that I've talked about before. But there were some new ones you've never heard... anywhere.
And they fit together so effortlessly... giving you a whole new dimension of power.
And, as you’ll see, the people there got it. They knew exactly how powerful the secrets were I gave them.
But, that’s the thing…
I don’t want these to be secrets anymore. I want you to have them so you can become a master of Awakened Wealth.
So you can prosper… so we all can prosper more.
Make sense?
If I’m on a mission to awaken the wealth within you… why not just give you these secrets?
Because investing in this actually pushes you to USE them.
That’s just how it goes.
And yes, it fuels my own ability to give back to you, to make more for you, and to elevate you even higher.
I need to know that you are committed… and you need to know you’re committed… and the Universe needs to know that you’re committed.
But the investment is small. The investment is only $9.
And then it’s yours.
It will take you less than an hour to get through the entire training…
But that hour will blow your mind.
More importantly, that hour will give you what you need to achieve Awakened Wealth.
It will give you the ability to make more money… spiritual money... POWER money that makes a POWERFUL IMPACT.
If you don't believe these laws are as game-changing as I do... if you don't believe they'll make you more money... if you don't believe they'll empower you... I'll give you your small investment back. And I won't ask why.
Whether you're seeing the vision I'm laying out or not, these 8 laws of wealth will make you more money.
That's just the nature of the power hidden within them.
But, my friend, I HOPE you are on board with me. I HOPE you see the vision that I see.
But if you don't... and that's OK... you are, as always, protected by a no-risk, no-hassle, 365-day money-back guarantee.
I don't want anything to hold you back from grabbing these secrets.
So... are you with me? Do you want Awakened Wealth or not? Do you want to make POWERFUL money, or keep struggling? Do you want to live up to your potential?
We need it.
We need you to be successful.
We need you empowered to make a difference.
And it all starts by you saying yes... committing your energy to help transform your relationship with money... and awakening a new power to GIVE BACK you've never experienced before.
It's an experience you'll never regret.
So join me.
P.S. As I'm finishing this letter to you, I'm asking myself a simple question:
Is there any reason any good person who wants to elevate themselves to financial freedom AND wants to make a difference... would say no?
The investment is small. The reward is huge. The impact you'll make has no limit. The money you'll make has no limit. The future you're laying out for yourself has no limit.
I can't think of a single reason to say no.
If you agree, join me and let's elevate!
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