From Dr. Joe Vitale The Happiest Millionaire Alive:

REVEALED: “Download” This Proven 3-Step Wealth Formula Into Your Mind And Experience Rapidly Accelerating Income In The Next 30 Days, Guaranteed…

(Or You Can Write Me A Nasty Letter Scolding Me... Deal?)


From Dr. Joe Vitale

I love these wealth formulas!

Knowing them can enable you to create twice as much wealth and income - in half the time.

I like rapid transformation.  Don't you?

And the reason that they became formulas in the first place is - they work!

Old-timers like me know there are literally dozens of time-tested wealth formulas out there.

Each one has it's value and purpose.

I Want To Pull You Into The Bright Light Of Tangible Wealth

Would you agree that I know a few things about creating wealth?

I like wealth.  Tangible wealth.

I like wealth on my terms.

I like my cars, guitars, and cigars.

Might not be what you want, but that's what I want.

And I can make that happen.

What's The Formula? What Does It Do?

It's simple.

This formula gives you access to Rapid Wealth Acceleration.

And this formula solves a problem you very likely have... as 90% of the people I've worked with suffer from this massive wealth block.

Do you remember the first thing you read in this report?

I wrote: "Your wealth dies every minute you don't read this report"

Pretty ridiculous statement, right?


I admit, I love the imaginative absurdity of that statement... but it's not hype.

It's not hype because right now you are leaking wealth.

You are the fast and furious car with holes in the gas tank.

You won't get far in that car with the gas spewing out all over the road.

Why are you leaking wealth?

Think of it this way:

Right now, you have the the desire to be wealthy.  Whatever that means for you.

It could be about the money... having $10,000,000 in the bank.

Or it could be about time freedom... having enough money to let you do what you want, when you want it.

Perhaps both.

Perhaps the desire is strong and unstoppable.

But for 90% of the people out there, likely including you, your own mind is constantly poking little holes in that desire with a razor-sharp needle.  Over and over again.

The desire and the passion leaks out and your "gas tank" is left with the stale air of the fear, the doubt, the guilt, the shame... and the NEGATIVE MENTAL PROGRAMMING that starts to poison your desire.

This is scarcity thinking.  This is poverty thinking.

It is not millionaire thinking.

And we've got to change that, otherwise it will constantly poison your chances at wealth... until it's too late.

That's why this formula is so special.


Now, will you let me help you?

I'll pat myself on the back enough to say I've helped THOUSANDS of people like yourself rise, rise, and rise until they've tasted their own wealth.

I feel good about that.

And you should feel lucky... because I want to CONTINUE to feel good about helping passionate and interesting people like yourself get there... and get there fast.


So, let's get to the juicy meat of it, shall we?

The First Step Is All About Plugging The Holes In Your Gas Tank

Let's run with this car metaphor.

Here you are... a high-performance machine ready to tear down the road at breakneck speeds.

You're a monster of a car.  A real beauty.

But yes, once again, your gas tank is leaking juice...

It's costing you wealth, money, happiness... all that high-octane fuel laying spoiled on the road.

What a waste.

So we've got to fix that fuel tank.  We've got to plug the holes.

STEP ONE: Magnetize Your Mind For Money

How do we plug those holes?

We line your gas tank... your mind... with a special magnetic layer that not only seals the holes... but it releases a special "fuel injection" into your mental gas.

We magnetize your fuel.  We magnetize your mind for wealth.

To do this, you first need to understand the way your mind works.

Imagine that your mind is a white board... a surface of infinite possibility.  Anything can be written on it... from the millionaire mind all the way to the poverty mind.

Your CONSCIOUS mind is a little dot in the middle of the board.

And if you draw a little circle around that dot... you've just drawn the extent of your conscious awareness.

We THINK we see the world around us.
We THINK we know ourselves.
We THINK we know what's going on...

But in reality... our conscious power is weak.

We can't see very far.

We are trapped by this little circle.


Because that circle is kept in place by everything "below the surface."

Your subconscious mind, your unconscious mind...

Everything below the surface is what's calling the shots.

Doesn't that make sense?

The easiest way to "get it" is to think of your mind like a computer.

A computer is filled with programs of all different sorts.

So is your subconscious and unconscious mind.

Most of these programs YOU DID NOT INSTALL.  They were inherited, given to you through exposure, experience, and learning.

Yet, these programs are what weighs you down.

These programs are poisoning you... because 90% of the ones that influence your wealth are VIRUS programs.  

What my geek friends call "malware."

And unless you deal with these programs, you will never achieve the millionaire mind... the wealth mind.

You will always keep leaking wealth.

Because these programs are the razor sharp needles poking the holes...

Now, normally, the way to deal with these programs... the negative beliefs and baggage... is to deal with them one-by-one.

But we're talking about rapid wealth.  So that's not going to cut it.

The solution?

First: install a virus software... something that goes in and gets rid of them for you.

Second: Fill it with programs that PROPEL you towards your goals... your wealth.


More on that in a moment.

Let's look at step two:

The Second Step Is About Putting Your Foot On The Pedal...

You've plugged the holes, your tank is full...

... you're ready to shoot, straight as an arrow, towards your dreams and desires for wealth.

You do this by installing what I call "Millionaire Motivation"

STEP TWO: Install Your Mental Millionaire Motivation Software

Millionaires have a natural ability to JUST GO.

There is nothing stopping them.

There is nothing holding them back.

They're gung-ho, ready to go at any moment.

And that's what you need.

This is your propulsion.  This is your engine revving and taking off... 0 to 60 in nanoseconds.

How do we do this?

It all comes back to the programs in your subconscious and unconscious mind.

When your mind is bloated with programs that do nothing for you... and ESPECIALLY if they hurt you... you don't have the drive, the speed... the millionaire motivation... to push forward until you are ACTUALLY moving.

So this second step is like your computer's "disk cleaner."

It gets rid of the programs that slow you down.

How do you do this?

Be patient... I'm getting there.

But what happens once you've installed this Millionaire Motivation?

What's the final step?

Step Three Is Becoming A Master Of The Road

When you're driving a fast car... at fast speeds... you've got to be quick on your feet.

You need to know when to turn at the precise moment... and then turn.

That's why step three is the final, critical piece.

STEP THREE: Upgrade Your Mind To Master Rapid Decision Making

This is a piece of the puzzle that many teachers don't talk about.

Plenty of people talk about manifesting wealth.

Plenty of people talk about motivation.

But few talk about rapid decision making.

And that's a problem.

If you've got the magnetism, and you've got the motivational drive... what happens if you can't make quick decisions?

You either crash the car, or you have to slow WAAAY down.

No good, my friend.


You need that speed if you want rapid wealth transformation.

So the third and final step is transforming your mind into a rapid decision making machine.

To speak practically...

When you're on your path to creating income... tangible wealth... you HAVE to make decisions, and make decisions fast.



And it's also because failure THRIVES on slowness.

The slower you go, the more opportunity for your negative programming to push its way back to the surface and start raising hell.

And then... that money starts running away as fast as possible towards someone who will MAKE DECISIONS.

Do you want that?

No you don't.

So let's get that fixed.

How Do You Activate This Formula?

At this point, you might be saying... "Joe, this is NOT a simple formula!"

If so, you're only partially right.

If you went at this by yourself... using your own conscious mind and willpower... then you're right, it's not a simple formula.

It works.

It works well.

It's what needs to happen.

And you CAN reprogram your mind on your own.

You can reprogram your mind the old fashioned way... like I did... but be ready for months, if not years, of work clearing out all those negative programs stuck in your mind, calling the shots, stealing your wealth.

Not easy.

Besides, we're talking about RAPID wealth.  

Well, after years of struggle, I decided I like easy.  I like making things as easy as possible... so I can live and enjoy my wealth to the fullest.

So, let me make it easy for you.

How would you like to cheat the wealth game?

You can... and you'll find it immensely gratifying.

In fact, I will be downright jealous.

But knowing I'm helping you achieve your wealth goals FAST will far outweigh any jealousy.

I've put together a  super-slick shortcut that gives you exactly what you need:

  • Extreme Money Magnetism - no holes in the gas tank
  • Millionaire Motivation - a gas pedal with lightning-fast response
  • Rapid Decision Making - quick thinking when you're flying down the road

If you've read this far, I'd imagine you're enjoying the thought of it.

Do you have any ideas how I'm going to do this miraculous act?

You're right...

So the question is... do you want rapid wealth acceleration?

This formula is straightforward.

Your logical brain understands it with ease.

And, perhaps most important, you KNOW you want that rapid wealth acceleration.

What would you do if you suddenly had more money coming in?

Plenty... am I right?

So, it's time to take this step, my friend.

Time to take action.

And Dr. Steve and I want to help.

That's why, for the next few days, we're giving you the shortcut that makes ME jealous... for a tiny investment of $12.

I'm sure you could find plenty of ways to spend $12... but do any of them EMPOWER you to make that $12 back... a thousand times over?

But, like anyone who stands behind their programs, I am giving you 60 days to try it risk-free.  Let me prove to you it works.  And if I'm wrong, simply let me know, and you'll get your money back, no questions asked.

But I'm not done...

Two free gifts others have paid $54 for...

When you step up today, I'm going to give you two recordings that made a HUGE impact on me... and the lives of many others.

I'm going to give you two recorded mastermind sessions I did with two very special individuals...

And what they revealed in these conversations is worth millions if put in the right hands.

Those hands could be yours.

The first mastermind session is with serial entrepreneur, founder of 100-Day Challenge, Gary Ryan Blair.

You've heard about goals and goal-setting before. But you probably don't know the inner secrets and advanced strategies for making them work – every time!

I didn't. I was a skeptic when it came to setting goals until I met Gary Ryan Blair.

In this fast-paced interviewed with Gary , you'll learn such things as:

  • How to build a business by going very narrow and very deep in a niche
  • The secret of "F.O.C.U.S." in goal setting  (brilliant!)
  • The importance of doing one thing, doing it the best, to be recognized as an expert
  • The power of being a self proclaimed expert (This is HUGE!)
  • The truth about building a business based on a brand and not on your name (!)
  • Why you must get out of your ego when creating a business
  • The truth about goals – Are they really useful?
  • What fuels the fire of motivation?
  • The importance of the statement "Everything counts!"
  • The amazing comparison between goals and a cookbook
  • How to "buy" knowledge
  • How can you stay focused on your goals?
  • A major secret: to become excellent at something, eliminate all other options and possibilities for some period of time!
  • How do you decide which goal to pursue?
  • What you are doing should be done on a foundation of JOY
  • The power and weakness of making "resolutions"
  • Should you have your goals in writing?

There's more, of course – much more.

The second mastermind session is with a living Einstein... Win Wenger.

But the man is not just brilliant... he's brilliant at making his mind do whatever he wants it to do...

Think about it.  What are your thoughts?  Do you dream?  How many ideas did you come up with today for your business?  Do you want to be more creative?

Win guarantees that he can increase your IQ.  He also boldly states that he can help anyone think more creatively.

And he's published over 48 books!

Win says we are not using 10% of our brain, like some say – in fact, he states, we are barely using one percent of it.

While everyone else is barely using 1% of their brain, and they're struggling to come up with ideas and beating their head against the desk when they get poor results, you'll be using his mind-expanding proven techniques and blowing the lid off all past results.

And that's why you need Win's methods.

Prepare yourself to be amazed.  Prepare to take a lot of notes.  Prepare to just sit back and think for a good 45 minutes or more once you finish listening to the audio.  It's that powerful.

The choice is yours

Here's the funny thing...

I know what I'm giving you.  I created it.  I know it works.

And I know what would happen if you used it.

If you're ready to go, you can go ahead and scroll down, click on the link, and get your access.

But, if you're on the fence, let me make it easy for you:

You don't NEED this.

You can do it on your own.

But you need to do it, my friend.

If you want wealth, you need to follow this formula.

You have two options:

You can go the hard way, like I did, and put in some serious elbow grease until you've fast-tracked your way to wealth.

Or, you can trust me in this moment, and take a ride that I KNOW will be a game changer for you.

You don't know it 100%, but I do.

And that's why I made sure there's no risk.

Try it... and for whatever reason you don't like it, you get all of your money back without an ounce of hassle.

So, I invite you to trust me as we take this journey together towards transforming you into the sexiest, highest-performing, luxury wealth-mobile possible.

If this is for you, click here now.




P.S.  If you skimmed all the way to the bottom here and haven't read it through, go back up and read closely.

There are truths about wealth waiting for you...

Wouldn't you hate to lose out on them?? 😉


Rapidly Accelerate Your Wealth! - Only $12