From nagging insecurities to unshakable confidence
Millions of Wishful People Are READY to Become Abundant Millionaires in this Lifetime. Few Ever Will... Want To Know Why?
Every single millionaire who has ever lived will stand behind this mandatory ingredient to wealth. And now it's yours.
Dr. Joe Vitale here.
Sometimes a lack of confidence can completely paralyze you...
- Have you ever been so immobilized by fear and doubt that you were unable to move forward with advice that you KNEW would make you more money...?
- Have you ever panicked when it was time to make an important decision about money or business and let a life-changing opportunity pass you right by...?
- Do you have emotional hang-ups about cash and being rich that affect your ability to offer more value to the world and that keep your income down...?
- Do you ever lie in bed with that feeling that you're not quite AN ADULT as if somehow you were never given the tools to play in the big kid's playground...?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, trust me, you're not alone. In fact, I've had these same feelings myself more times than I can count.
You might know me as Dr. Joe Vitale, the millionaire serial-entrepreneur, best-selling author, and world-famous success coach that shows other people how to stand on their own two feet.
But I haven't always been the one pointing the way...
I Still Remember When Life Broke Me Down So Low I Became Homeless And More Than Anything, I Remember How it Made Me FEEL.
Sitting there, so broken and alone, and wallowing in my misery.
Watching wealthy people step out of luxury cars, juggling bags of new clothes from the most expensive stores in town, and walking out of restaurants where the drink bill was more than I spent in a week...
And I couldn't help but feel like they had something inside of them that I didn't...
And guess what? Even after all these years I know that's because THEY DID...
See these people were BURSTING WITH CONFIDENCE, and as the years went by I realized that it wasn't that they were confident because they were wealthy but...
That They were Wealthy Because They Were Confident!
It took me a long time to make that mental shift, but just think about it...
Have you ever noticed how when someone like Donald Trump goes flat broke they rebound within a year or two and become rich all over again? Do you think that type of thing could happen if they were "unsure of themselves?"
What if you were empowered with confidence and conviction in every move you made in your financial and business life?
What if you woke up each morning with a quiet certainty that permeated every single word you said, every step you took, and every decision you made in your business?
Just imagine how different your life would be if you had an unshakable belief that any challenge could be overcome and that you had everything you needed already inside you to do it...
Don't You Think That Would Change Your Results in Business?
Of course it would!
Remember, wealthy people are not different because they're wealthy, they're different because they have DIFFERENT PROGRAMMING. And part of that programming, one of the most vital parts, is what they BELIEVE about themselves.
The level of confidence they take towards everything they do in life. This is why rich people end up rich even when they lose everything.
And this is why poor people end up poor "even if they get a lucky break and fall into a few million dollars...
Are you ready to train your brain to rise to any challenge? Let me give you the key to "Millionaire Confidence".
Introducing the Full-Immersion Mental Wealth Hack - "Millionaire Confidence"
How does the "Millionaire Confidence" Re-programing Hack work?
There are four very distinct stages that every evolving person takes on the road to mastery.
(NOTE: These are NOT Unique to "Millionaire Confidence" - they're steps every single person takes as they conquer something new
Step 1: You don't know what you don't know. This is the unfortunate existence of the most illiterate and least self-conscious among us, and it makes change nearly impossible...
Step 2: You know what you don't know. This is the first step towards actualization, and it often starts with a logical understanding that there are other possibilities out there beyond your own experiences with life.
Step 3: You know what you know. At this stage, you've taken the first step towards change. You've identified what needs to be done and moving forward, even if you have a ways to go if you're reading this, it's probably where you're at right now!
Step 4: You don't know what you know. Don't be misled this is a good thing! This means you've achieved true mastery and have internalized something so much that you don't even have to think about it anymore...
Most of us are not at Step 4, but one thing is certain, the fusion of conscious and subconscious training is the path to get there.
That's why "Millionaire Confidence" is composed of two very deliberate components.
1. The Conscious Programming Wealth Triggers Module
In the conscious reprogramming audio, we introduce case studies that show just how powerful the effect of confidence can be to change a life from extreme poverty to extreme success.
Just one example is the story of the homeless blues guitar player that barely had a penny to his name and was struggling just to survive. Find out how simple but lasting changes in his belief system transformed him into a successful entrepreneur, author, and business coach.
From this example and others you'll learn how the inability to love yourself, negative hang-ups about money, not knowing what to think and do, and the failure to reach out for help can hold you down forever.
This module satisfies the logical mind.
2. The Subconscious Reprogramming Module
Logical understanding is nice but it often falls flat without the programming to sink it deep into your brain.
Research proves that brain reprogramming can condition ANYONE's mind for better, more productive thought processes even if you are one of those people who "cannot be hypnotized." Every thought you have, every decision you make, and every dollar you earn is directly affected by how you "think and feel" on a subconscious level.
By listening to the full immersion reprogramming audios as much as possible, you can create deep, lasting impacts on your subconscious mind that cannot help but manifest in your life (no matter what you believe).
Within the "Millionaire Confidence" Subconscious Reprogramming Module, You Get 3 Audio Sessions to Condition Your Brain:
- The Subliminal Activation Immersion Session is a mental programming script with subliminal technology hidden behind music that relaxes your mind and makes it more open to suggestion. This is the perfect program to include in your morning ritual so you can take on the day with a confident step and a mindset built for success!
- The Affirmative Repetition Immersion Session is the core reprogramming audio on repeat listen over and over to build your new confidence foundation or go back and forth between this and Subliminal Activations to keep the synapses in your brain firing with fresh new confidence connections.
- The Hypnotic Intensive Immersion Session is the most potent form of mental reprogramming you can get your hands on and amplifies the effect of the audios you listened to throughout the day. The session lulls your mind into submission with relaxation commands and helps you wind down at night so your mind is healthy and whole when you wake up in the morning.
Are YOU Ready to Prepare Your Mind to Take on The Future?
Order "Millionaire Confidence" now and access:
- Affirmative repetitions designed to help you destroy the labels the world has given you as well as the labels you've given yourself that have sabotaged your past efforts and sapped you of all your potential.
- The confidence needed to recalibrate your place in business and life. The focused determination that can help you take good ideas and actually run with them to turn them into money.
- The key ingredients that will infuse every action you take with what is needed for peak performance, wealth, and success.
- A strong foundation you can leverage to get tangible outcomes and make more money simply because you have the go-getter attitude every time you step outside your door in the morning.
- A mental reprogramming discipline so you never have to guess at what you should be doing to build confidence and can instead implement focused action that changes your brain and brings the ultimate you into reality.
Look, if every single millionaire you or I have ever met OOZES CONFIDENCE, just imagine what a state of perpetual self-belief could do for YOU!
Alright, I'm sure by now you accept that confidence is one of the major keys to wealth and can't wait to get your hands on this program, but surely at this point you're thinking...
Yeah But How Much Will it Cost to Access the Tools Needed for Deep Inner Confidence?
First, don't make the mistake of thinking you can just decide to have more confidence.
If that's the way it worked, you would have just flipped that switch already and gotten it over with.
And if you're like most people, there have been plenty of times all throughout your life when you woke up and said to yourself, it for now I'm going to be more confident. I'm going to be sure of myself and go after everything I want without making excuses.
And what happened? Usually nothing, right?
What you need is a mental training regimen. And usually that involves going to an expensive hypnotherapist for regular visits that costs hundreds of dollars per session.
But right now, on this very page, I'm giving you access to "Millionaire Confidence"
the unbeatable price of $7.
Yes, you read that right. For less than it costs to buy a cheeseburger, you can FINALLY make an investment in the type of unshakable frame that almost guarantees your results in life will improve!
And, Of Course, You'll Get Our 60-Day, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee.
If you listen to the audios and don't see the potential for it to change your brain, restore your confidence, and change your life or if you want out for any other reason simply get in touch and we'll refund all your money.
No questions. No guilt-trips. No run-arounds.
It's really that simple.
Are You Ready To Accelerate Your Own Millionaire Confidence?
Just click on the button below and you can access your downloads immediately to start your routine and build the kind of mental frame you can use to take on the world.
But make sure you grab it now while the door is open because the $7 sale will not be available long!
P.S. It's not enough to keep reminding yourself you have what it takes to become wealthy every time self-doubt creeps in. What you need is a proven, regimented training session for your mind that teaches you to believe in yourself and attracts money into your life not through wishes but through intensive hypnotherapy and the ACTION that follows!
Yes! I want to save 85% AND start programming my mind for wealth NOW...
WARNING: We'll be raising the price back to $47 VERY soon... so get your copy NOW!